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Corona: Trump didn't listen to detectives

intelligence agencies are usually the headline of the news. But now the detectives must be given the credit they deserve. Because, for months, they were constantly warning US President Donald Trump about COW-1 and Trump was not acting. They had been saying for years that a major pandemic could come, but the warning was not taken seriously by the US administration.

Detectives repeatedly spoke of the threat of coronavirus throughout January and February, but Trump did not listen. It is not surprising, of course, because through a long period of practice he has made it clear that he cannot take it well when someone says or gives a suggestion against his opinion. In the last year, when congressional intelligence officials argued against Trump's views on some issues, Trump said a lot about the way teachers say to nonprofit students, "Go back to school."

Trump has been hostile to detectives long ago. As a result of this ongoing Trump war against the detectives, many people are being killed and health care institutions are being torn down. Not only did the US intelligence agencies report the coming of the coronavirus, they also elaborated on how it could be prevented. But Trump did nothing.

The average person does not see the intelligence documents and analysis reports submitted to the US President every day. For this reason, the intelligence officers try to make such statements while giving briefs in public, so that they give a hint of things that cannot be said in public. Sadly, the CIA's briefing on Congress has been postponed indefinitely from this year.

The primary task of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) is to notify the President if he / she receives information about an important issue. DNI chief Dan Coats told Congress on May 26 that Russia interfered in the US election to win Trump in the 2009 election. He also told Congress that after meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, Trump's ambition to build nuclear weapons remains strong. This briefing by the DNI disappointed Trump anyway.

The DNI's annual report on the global epidemic has long been warned. Immediately after President Barack Obama took power in the 27th, then-DNI Dennis Blair made the first warning that an influenza-like epidemic could threaten America at any time. Many deaths can occur in that epidemic. Only then did the Hwanni or swine flu emerge. Dennis Blair, 28, told Congress that the measures they asked the government to take to prevent the epidemic have been taken lightly.

His successor, James Clapper, similarly spoke of the threat of a zoonotic virus infection on March 25. Clapper then said that a new virus could emerge that could shake the whole world. "It's not a hypothetical threat at all," Clapper said. DNI Dan Coats told Trump the same thing in 25. At that time, the World Bank had predicted that the pandemic could reduce GDP by 5 percent.

Then on 27, Dan Coates told Trump that the world was going to fall into an epidemic soon, and that the United States would not be able to survive if it did not take action right now. But Trump dismissed the intelligence agency's statements and disappointed everyone with what he called the Quid-1 epidemic as a "catastrophic crisis." At first, he did not want to acknowledge the existence of the virus. But if the US administration had been preparing to cope with such a global pandemic for so long, it might not have killed so many people homeless.

Sadly, the detectives, who could have predicted such a virus in advance, did not even understand the detectives that millions of people would have to die as a sacrifice of ego alone.

Kent Harrington is a former CIA public relations officer

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