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Human civilization is now facing a global crisis

Human civilization is now facing a global crisis

One day this mighty storm will stop. The decisions we make now or the choices we make to survive the storm will change our way of life in the days to come. Human civilization is now facing a global crisis. Probably the biggest crisis of our generation. The decisions that different governments and people will take in the next few weeks will change the course of our future world. This change is not just a matter of our healthcare system. The course of our economy, politics and culture will change. We need to make some very tough and stable decisions, make quick ones and keep in mind the far-reaching effects of the decision. Not only do we need to keep in mind the temporary dangers now, but we also need to keep in mind what kind of world we want to live in in the future. Yes, these days of fire will end one day, human civilization will survive, most of us will survive - but we will survive in a different world.

Human civilization is now facing a global crisis

All kinds of short-term emergencies will then become like Dalvat in our lives. This is the nature of a very big disaster or emergency. Historically the whole process takes place very quickly. In the ordinary course of life, the decisions that we have to make and implement year after year, in the face of catastrophes, are impossibly fast. Immature and even very dangerous technology is used in this situation because it is more dangerous to do nothing than that. A country then becomes a place of social scrutiny on a large scale. For example, what happens when everyone works from home and maintains communication at a distance? What will happen if all schools, colleges, universities go online? Normally no government of any country would agree to such an experiment. But now the time is not normal. We are going through a transition period.

In this time of crisis, we have two very important options or roads. The first is flawless surveillance and civic empowerment. The second is ethnic or country-based segregation and global solidarity.

Human civilization is now facing a global crisis Impeccable gaze

In order to prevent an epidemic, the whole population has to follow a certain set of rules. There are two ways to do the job. One is that the government will keep its people under surveillance and punish them if they do not follow the rules. Today, for the first time in the history of human civilization, every human being is being kept under close watch at every moment. Even 50 years ago, the KGB could not have imagined the 24-hour surveillance of 240 million Russians, or the day-to-day analysis of the information that came into their hands. The KGB had to rely on its own human agents and analysts. It is no longer possible to monitor every citizen with an agent. Instead of blood flesh agents, governments can now easily do so through sensors and powerful algorithms spread across the country.

Governments in several countries have already used and are using all new surveillance tools in the fight against the corona virus. Most used in China. By closely monitoring people's smartphones, using hundreds of millions of face-recognizing cameras, forcing people to test their body temperature and report their condition, the Chinese government not only quickly identified the carriers of the virus, but also tracked the movement of those carriers. At an impossibly fast pace. In addition, several mobile apps have also alerted the general public about infected patients in the area.

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