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Period Taboo | The time has come to break prejudice

As a girl do you have a clear idea about reproductive organs, physiological processes and period hygiene? And the question for boys is are you aware of the cleanliness and health of your wife, sister or daughter's period? So today our topic is period taboo! A few days ago, a popular daily ran an article with a picture of Bollywood star Akshay Kumar's "Padman" which focuses on menstrual hygiene.
Period Awareness Pictures - shajgoj.com

It has already caused quite a stir in the whole of India. Many Bollywood stars have been seen sharing pictures with 'sanitary napkins' on social media as part of breaking taboos and raising awareness about periods Many actresses have also shared their experiences. But the context of Bangladesh is very different, there is no end to the shame and embarrassment about this natural issue in our society! Although most people know why periods occur, we will learn a little more about them today and talk about what can be done to break taboos or prejudices. Let’s try to get an overall idea about periods and menstrual cycles. 

Overall discussion of the period

Why is the period? 

Why is the period - shajgoj.com
Or menstrual period or periods which do not call the name assigned to it by the maker of a normal process that affect women's reproductive process. Scientifically speaking, it has to be broken down a bit. The female reproductive system consists of two main parts. First, the uterus , where the fetus develops and the male sperm is transported to the fallopian tubes. The second major part is the ovary, which produces the ovum . Hormones are secreted from different parts of the body during the menstrual cycle. This is a hormone esatrojena and prajesaterona , which creates and regulates the body for pregnancy. Normally, ovaries are released from the ovaries every 28 days, which are on both sides of the uterus.It enters the uterus through the fallopian tube . If not conceived, the unfertilized egg and the lining of the uterus (endometrium) fall out of the body together in each cycle. This is called period or menstruation. For those who are not willing to understand such difficult things, in a word, menstruation is such a natural process that without you, I would not have been born. 

Do you have any idea about menstrual cycle 

Menstrual cycle - shajgoj.com
Do you know how the menstrual cycle works? This is divided into three parts saikelake, the first lasting an average of four days (4-7 days) and it minastrala phase , the second 10 days (8-10 days), it pralipharetibha phase and the third 14 days (10-14 days) is adjusted each sekretari Called phase . Blood comes out of the vagina through the combined action of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the menstrual phase , which we call the period. In the proliferative phase, the uterus prepares to receive the fertilized egg only under the influence of the hormone estrogen. Secretary PhaseBoth estrogen and progesterone are caused by a combination of hormones. During this time the uterus is most prepared for the growth of the fertilized egg and if it does not, it goes back to the menstrual phase. In this way the menstrual cycle of full grown girls continues till a certain age. After the breeding period means that girls born the capacity to make profits.
But do you know how long this bike lasts? Menstruation usually starts at any time at the age of 09-13 years and stops normally at the age of 45-49 years. Girls menstruate every 24 to 32 days, i.e. on an average every 28 days.  

Period taboo and our society 

"What a day has come, she is buying pads from a man in front of everyone with shame on her head !"
“Why not go out? Kiri, is it? 
"So much time in the toilet … what a monthly!" 
As a girl, I hear a lot of things like this. Find out if this has happened to you or if you have ever behaved yourself! If you see someone sitting quietly, or do not want to go out , Wash room, and took a little more time to look at or buy a woman Pad Pharmacy stores start private conversation, with pressing jaws has hasato. There are many such incidents happening around us. Speaking of taboos, I gave just a few examples from my own experience and the events around me.
Periods of pain - shajgoj.com
If all the women in the world have to go through this natural process then why should they have fun with it? And for all these reasons, many girls are ashamed to share their problems, but hiding period problems can be fatal. School-going teenagers do not want to go to school during periods for fear of embarrassment. Why is there so much secrecy, shyness or ridicule on both sides of a normal issue Ask yourself those who do or have done so!  
I have seen many parents find it difficult to talk to their children about periods. We have also got into the habit of removing period advertisements on TV. We girls too but hide enough about the matter. She is ashamed to go to the doctor even if there is any problem. There is also a lack of awareness about hygiene. Everybody should know some things about period. Start breaking the taboo from your own home.  

How do I break the period taboo?

Awareness activities are the most important solution to break the taboo of period in our country. Just as you have to take the responsibility of protecting the family, you also have to take the initiative to eradicate social prejudices from your own position. It is true that you cannot change society overnight, but it is not too late for good days to come if we can make everyone aware of this. But let's see how I can break the period taboo! 

Steps to break the period taboo 

1. Bought pads in the morning
Sanitary napkins are not something to buy behind everyone's eyes. It is more important to keep yourself clean. And that is why sanitary napkins are bought. We need to understand that cleanliness during periods is just as important as washing hands before meals.  
2. Sanitary napkin change time
 Sanitary Napkin Change Time - shajgoj.com
Of all the superstitions and taboos, the most worrying is the lack of periodic health awareness. Using dirty clothes, using a pad for a long time can lead to uterine infection , even cervical cancer So there will be no compromise on hygiene. So you have to change the pad every 4/6 hours.
3. Talk about periods with the child
Before you ask your child questions, talk to him or her about what puberty is, when and why periods occur, what precautions to take, and so on. Then when he has his first period, he will not panic. You cannot change society in one day. So look at the mental strength of the girl child. Prepare him in such a way that he is not emotionally broken by the harsh words of the surroundings. But before you talk, make sure your child is mature enough to accept these words. 
4. Prepare the girl mentally and physically
The family needs to create an environment where girls can discuss various physical and mental problems with their loved ones during the period. Despite struggling with mental and physical discomfort, girls are constantly fulfilling their responsibilities in all spheres of society. 
5. To make the school aware about the period 
Awareness about periods in schools - shajgoj.com
Parents and teachers need to take care that school-going girls do not miss classes during the period and do not have to compromise on their cleanliness. Let him know in advance how he will keep himself clean. Now is the time to ensure the availability of sanitary napkins. Many voluntary organizations are already working to make school-going teenagers aware, and initiatives have been taken by the government.  
What should men do?
Is the responsibility only for girls? Of course not! Are you wondering how to give support?  
1. Feel special
Brothers, fathers, husbands need to understand from their respective places the need for his sister, daughter and wife It's a normal physical thing, but the person with whom it's happening can't stay normal. Feeling sick (nausea) and abdominal pain. And the biggest problem is mood swings, irritable mood which is under the influence of hormones. Didn't argue with him in those days or went, helped him a little with housework, made him feel a little special, Buss! He needs your support at that moment. 
2. The role of the father
The role of father in periods - shajgoj.com
The most important thing is that you take steps to take care of the cleanliness of your partner, daughter or sister. Try to understand his needs. But the father can not avoid his responsibility. Discuss this naturally with your daughter and create an environment where she can express her problems to you without hesitation. Buy pads if needed, don't delay to take them to the doctor if there is any health problem.  
3. Not reprimanded with menstruation 
Not reprimanded with menstruation - shajgoj.com
There is a neglect type mentality among many men regarding the issue of "period" which must be avoided. It is not uncommon for the behavior of these people to become insensitive as they get older, if it appears to be forbidden knowledge to boys from the age of Ki Shore. So brother can also buy pad for sister if he wants. So we have to explain this normal phenomenon to them in simple language. The school teacher, mother, elder sister will fulfill this responsibility.
Periods are not a matter of disease or shame. If we change our mentality, the society will also change. Before making unnecessary jokes about this, think once and for all that no one would be able to see the light and air of the world without this normal process. One last thing I want to say, know , understand and change your mindset. Get rid of inferiority complex with period today.
Photo-Collected: Cosmetics; Imagesbazar.com; Menstrual.com; Times of India

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