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Why choose menstrual cup menstrual cleansing?

Many girls in our country are not aware of their reproductive health and menstrual hygiene or safe management. We all need to know, understand and be vigilant about hygiene and health risks during periods. Now we all know how unhealthy it is to use old cloth, cotton and a single pad for a long time! Many people have already heard the name Menstrual Cup . Many may have even started using it. But most of the girls in our country still do not have a clear idea about the use of menstrual cups. Many are afraid to use it, or do not understand how to use it. Let's not know how menstrual cup works in menstrual hygiene management, rules of use and its advantages and disadvantages.

Use of menstrual cups for menstrual hygiene

What is a menstrual cup?

It is basically a funnel-shaped medical grade silicone cup. It is folded and inserted through the vagina and when it goes inside, it expands and gets stuck in the cervix. Menstrual cups do not absorb menstrual blood like sanitary pads, but rather store or store blood in cups. This cup has to be taken out and cleaned at regular intervals during heavy flow. But there is no need to change it as often as the pad. During menstruation, a woman menstruates an average of 25-30 ml per day, and about 60 ml of blood can accumulate in the funnel of the cup! Understandably, it can keep period blood for a long time without any irritation or discomfort. Menstrual cup processing companies say that if used properly and stored, you can run a cup for 8 to 10 years.

What are the things to consider before using menstrual cup?

You need to determine the size of the cup by combining your age, vaginal structure and whether or not you have children. Because the vaginal muscles relax when giving birth to a child, experts recommend the use of large cups. Again, the size will be different in adolescence, that is normal. If you have fibroids or uterine infections, it is best not to use it. Whether there is heavy flow or any health problem should also be considered in this case. Menstrual cups are safe to use. Its use is increasing day by day in developed countries as it is comfortable and affordable. You should seek expert advice in this regard. Of course, knowing the quality of the cup, what kind of material it is made of, whether it is medical grade or not, then use it very well.

How to use Menstrual Cup?

It may be a little scary the first time you use it, but once you get used to it, you can safely spend your period! First, keep the open mouth of the cup on top and hold the lower part tightly and insert it into the vagina. The cup can be gently folded or folded in a c-shape . After inserting, the cup will open like an umbrella and get stuck inside. Then turn around and cover the mouth, so that menstrual blood does not come out! Yes, that's it. There is no fear of leakage or blood on the clothes, there is no risk of changing the pads again and again! After 8 hours of continuous use, the blood should be cleaned by pulling it gently. It depends on the flow of the period. You will also find many tutorials on YouTube on how to use Menstrual Cup. The most modern version of menstrual hygiene is with us now.

How to save?

Boil it well in hot water at the end of each period. Then delete it. To keep it sterile it should be stored in a dry place. One more thing, you have to open, read or hold this cup with clean hands. But germs can also be transmitted from the hands. So always be careful about your hygiene.

The advantage of using menstrual cups

Western women find it safer and more comfortable to use menstrual cups during periods. Many people in Bangladesh have started using it. Let's take a look at the benefits of using a menstrual cup.
1) There is no possibility of poisoning. Because it does not contain any chemical or synthetic materials.
2) There is no risk of bacterial genital warts. However, it is necessary to sterilize or disinfect the cups at regular intervals.
3) One time investment you can call it! Because once you buy a menstrual cup, you can use it for 8 to 10 years. Of course it can be called affordable and safe management.

4) It does not harm the environment. The pads, however, do not mix with the soil, and often contain harmful silica gel.
5) The biggest thing is, if it is later, you will forget that your period is going on! No hassle of changing pads, no fear of stains on clothes, you can stay in peace even while traveling.

What are the disadvantages of menstrual cup?

It may be a little difficult to read or open during first use. As I said before, if there is any problem in the uterus, it is better not to use it. Again since period blood is stored in this cup, you are taking it out and washing it yourself. If you have no discomfort with it, then there is no problem in using menstrual cup!
Then you know about the use of menstrual cup! The menstrual cup has to be inserted into the vagina so unmarried girls may feel hesitant to use it. But this cup is safe and secure, girls of all ages can use it safely! You must consult a doctor. Period is not a disease or a matter of hiding! Times are changing, and awareness is growing among women from the past to the present. Maintaining cleanliness during periods is most important. So menstrual cup can be the solution to all your problems at this time. Know, understand and be safe.

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